Ok, So today has been a very busy day for me and my brain.
We women see movies from the time we are born to the time we die. We love romantic movies where there is a happily ever after. I think Disney started it with Cinderella and Snow White. Personally after seeing Brave the newest Disney film it pissed me off. The reason being is when the ending happened I looked at it with my girls and said where is the Prince. Why? Was it subconscious? I am guessing so since we are conditioned to find the Prince for the happily ever ending.
So as we grow older we look for our happy ending and then reality rears its ugly head. Is that fair? Hmm in a way I say yes, the reason being is because life is not fair. We are taught that from a young age and yet we are always told to hope, have faith and to think positive. Are we leading our young girls on with these dreams that might not come true?
These are questions I asked myself today because as an adult woman I often wondered if I was mislead into thinking that men were the other half of happiness. My father was a single parent who went out of his way for me constantly and yet I cannot get my own husband to do that for his children. Is that the age or is that the person. I want to believe it is the person but the more women I speak to the more I believe it is the age of how men are. How disappointing for our women?
I love my husband more than just about anything and yet I am disappointed by the lack of being a father he is. I do not believe he is actively doing these things. I am willing to overlook this because he is kind, generous, understanding, and an awesome provider. He willingly took on 3 girls that were not his biologically and adopted 2 of them. So I still have some hope or is it faith either way I am very lucky.
When I read these books I am often disappointed with my life. I wonder if that is the case for most women. We want these characters with a passion that borders on obsessive. I always wonder what these men have that many women want is it looks, personality, money or the whole package. I have heard Justin Beiber's song about love and how he could care less if he was homeless as long as he had his love. Is that true? Would these characters still appeal to us if they were poor and were going nowhere in their life. If I wrote about a begger with average looks and a domineering personality would women still swoon like they are fifteen with no cares in the world. I highly doubt it yet there is still lingering possibility.
So now I leave you all with questions and possibilities that maybe we are lead to believe in possibilities that may not happen. I am hopeful we have our happy endings like the movies and books tell us. In this day and age we need something to be positive about especially with a recession, joblessness, money problems, health issues, and rising costs of everything including children.
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