Thursday, December 6, 2012

I want to share

Ok Here Goes...... Something!

I am a 34 year old mother and wife that defines me because it is what I have accomplished so far. I want to be more than that. I love to read and to talk with people about that and life in general so I figured I would do this. I believe my friends and family are behind me because they want me to be motivated to do something.

I am sharing this blog with my friend Lisa when she finds out of course... Hee hee hee ;-0

I am also recruiting my mother in law Laurie but since she is spending the winter with us it is no hardship to tell her what my plans are ha ha ha.... Partner in crime!!

So here I sit in my house trying to come up with my first in house blogosphere and I talk about my friends and family not bad riiiiigghht (grins) guess not. I am lucky to even have that right now since I have been shutting myself off to everyone sorry about that but hey I am trying starting right now...

So I am going to have to introduce Laurie and Lisa when they start their rants I mean it is only fair then they can tell you what they want everyone to know. Me on the other hand I love to talk about books and what is happening in my own bubble.

So lets start there....I just read Opal from Jennifer Armentrout and it was awesome and let me tell you, when I can vividly tell everyone what the characters were doing and how the book was laid out, then you know it was good. Some books I get done and cannot remember anything about the book, the next day like what was so good or even memorable about it. Then those pretty much suck for me and do not count for a 2 star raving. This book was beyond that and I cannot wait for the next one in the Lux series to come out but waaaiiiit a momento I am way ahead of myself here.

Opal based on Goodreads description:

"No one is like Daemon Black.

When he set out to prove his feelings for me, he wasn’t fooling around. Doubting him isn’t something I’ll do again, and now that we’ve made it through the rough patches, well... There’s a lot of spontaneous combustion going on.

But even he can’t protect his family from the danger of trying to free those they love.

After everything, I’m no longer the same Katy. I’m different... And I’m not sure what that will mean in the end. When each step we take in discovering the truth puts us in the path of the secret organization responsible for torturing and testing hybrids, the more I realize there is no end to what I’m capable of. The death of someone close still lingers, help comes from the most unlikely source, and friends will become the deadliest of enemies, but we won’t turn back. Even if the outcome will shatter our worlds forever.

Together we’re stronger... and they know it."

Now that I have that out of the way and everyone knows what it is about it rocked out of this world. I absofreaking love Daemon even his arrogance. I know we are supposed to be afraid of the unknown but what is the fun in that. I gave it a five star rating on goodreads and I am satisfied with that. Check out the series if you haven't already. Leave replies to my reviews on Goodreads so I can know we hooked up on my new blog here.

Enough of that I have many books I read just ask my hubby he is over it and I mean
 O V E R it. I don't mind in the least because I have Lisa my Book Partner to share hee hee hee (grins).
I am going to read another book, chat with my friend Lisa, and get this stuff on the road wooo hoo!!

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